La page de l'artiste Alexander Calder
du guide d'architecture contemporaine ARCHIGUIDE.
The page from the artist Alexander Calder
in the contemporary architecture guide ARCHIGUIDE.


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Alexander Calder


en France par ville détaillée
in France by detailed city

Caliban 1964 sculpture (stabile), hall maison de la culture de Bourges arts centre (1938 M. Pinon) pl André Malraux, Bourges

Trois pics 1967 sculpture (stabile), pl de la Gare, Grenoble

Monsieur Loyal 1967 sculpture (stabile), musée de Grenoble museum of arts (1992 Groupe 6 / A. Felix-Faure, P. Macary) pl de Lavalette, Grenoble

La Cornue 1975 sculpture (stabile), av Centrale, domaine universitaire, Saint Martin d’Hères, Grenoble

Reims, Croix du Sud 1969 sculpture (mobile), parc musée d'Art Moderne museum of modern art (1983 R. Simounet), chem du Musée, Parc du Héron, Villeneuve d'Ascq, Lille

Guillotine pour huit 1963 sculpture (stabile), parc musée d'Art Moderne museum of modern art (1983 R. Simounet), chem du Musée, Parc du Héron, Villeneuve d'Ascq, Lille

Théâtre de Nice - Caliban II 1970 sculpture (mobile), MAMAC - Musée d'Art Moderne et d'Art Contemporain (1990 Y. Bayard, H. Vidal) esplanade des Victoires, Nice

La Spirale 1958 sculpture (mobile), jardins de l'UNESCO (1958 B. Zehrfuss, M. Breuer, P. L. Nervi) av de Suffren, Paris 7e

L'araignée rouge 1976 sculpture (stabile), pl de la Défense, Paris La Défense

La Porte de l'Espace 1973 sculpture (stabile), rte de la sculpture contemporaine, rte du Plateau d'Assy, Passy

Les Ailes brisées 1967 collège Saint Exupéry (1996 P. Dubuisson, M. Dupré, P. Muchir), 13 av de Villeneuve, Perpignan



à l'étranger par ville détaillée
in foreign countries by detailed city

Three Up and Three Down (3 vers le haut et 3 vers le bas) 1973 sculpture (mobile), High Museum of Art, angle corner 1280 Peachtree St NE, 16th St NE, Atlanta, Géorgie Georgia, Etats Unis USA

The Tree (L'Arbre) 1966 sculpture (mobile), parc Fondation Beyeler (1997 R. Piano), Baselstr. 101, Berowergut, Riehen, Bâle Basel, Suisse Switzerland

Tétes et queue 1965 sculpture (stabile), Potsdamer Str., Kulturforum, Tiergarten, Berlin, Allemagne Germany

La Grande voile 1966 sculpture (stabile), McDermott Court, MIT Campus, Cambridge, Boston, Massachusetts, Etats-Unis USA

Flamingo (Flament) 1974 sculpture (stabile), 230 South Dearborn St, Loop, Downtown, Chicago, Illinois, Etats Unis USA

Universe (Univers) 1974 sculpture (mobile), hall Sears tower (1974 SOM (Skidmore, Owings, Merrill)), 233 South Wacker Dr, Loop, Downtown, Chicago, Illinois, Etats Unis USA

Jeune fille et sa suite 1970 sculpture (stabile), Michigan Bell Telephone Building, angle corner 444 Michigan Av, Cass Av, Detroit, Michigan, Etats Unis USA

Cactus provisoire 1967 sculpture (stabile), Fellows' Square, Trinity College, Dublin, Irlande Ireland
photo du site from the site

Three Wings (Trois Ailes) 1963 sculpture (stabile), Angered centrum, Gunnared, Göteborg Gothenburg, Suède Sweden

La Grande Vitesse 1969 sculpture (stabile), Vandenberg Plaza, Ottawa Av NW, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Etats Unis USA

Le Hallebardier 1971 sculpture (stabile), bord Maschsee, derrière le behind the Sprengel Museum Hannover, Hanovre Hanover, Allemagne Germany

Shiva 1965 sculpture (stabile), Crown Center, angle corner Grand bd, E Pershing Rd, Kansas City, Missouri, Etats Unis USA

Four arches (Quatre arches) 1975 sculpture (stabile), Arco Center, 333 S. Hope St, Los Angeles, Californie California, Etats-Unis USA

El Sol Rojo (Le Soleil rouge) 1968 sculpture (stabile), esplanade estadio Azteca, Calzada de Tlalpan Col. Santa Ursula Coapa, Mexico, Mexique Mexico
photo du site from the site

The Spinner 1966 sculpture (mobile), Minneapolis Sculpture Garden, Walker Art Center, 725 Vineland Place, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Etats Unis USA

Octopus 1964 sculpture (mobile), Minneapolis Sculpture Garden, Walker Art Center, 725 Vineland Place, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Etats Unis USA

Man (L'Homme) 1967 sculpture (stabile), Parc Jean-Drapeau, Ile Sainte Hélène, Montréal, Canada

Gallows and Lollipops (Potence et sucettes) 1960 sculpture (mobile), Beinecke library (1963 SOM (Skidmore, Owings, Merrill), 121 Wall St., Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, Etats-Unis USA
du site from the site

Ordinary 1969 sculpture (standing mobile), Seagram building plaza, 375 Park Av, E 53rd St, Midtown, Manhattan, New York city, New York, Etats Unis USA

Saurien 1975 sculpture (stabile), angle corner 590 Madison Av, 57th St, Midtown, Manhattan, New York city, New York, Etats Unis USA

Le Guichet 1963 sculpture (stabile), Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, W 62nd St, Midtown, Manhattan, New York city, New York, Etats Unis USA

.125 1957 sculpture (mobile), terminal 4 (Ticketing Hall), John F. Kennedy Airport, JFK Expy, Jamaica Bay, Queens, New York city, New York, Etats Unis USA

The Stevens Mobile 1970 sculpture (mobile), hall Samuel C. Williams Library (bibliothèque), Stevens Institute of Technology, Hudson St, Hoboken (New Jersey), New York city, New York, Etats Unis USA

Hard to Swallow 1966 sculpture (stabile), 2e étage 2d floor Samuel C. Williams Library (bibliothèque), Stevens Institute of Technology, Hudson St, Hoboken (New Jersey), New York city, New York, Etats Unis USA

Calder on the Parkway exposition Calder, Franklin Pkwy, Philadelphie Philadelphia, Pennsylvanie Pennsylvania, Etats Unis USA
Three Discs, One Lacking (Trois disques, un manque) 1968 sculpture (stabile), Ordinary (Ordinaire) 1969 sculpture (mobile), Dent de sagesse 1964 sculpture (stabile), Untitled (Sans titre) 1972 sculpture (stabile), Angulaire 1975 sculpture (stabile), The Rocket 1964 sculpture (stabile), Polygons on Triangles (Polygones sur triangles) 1963 sculpture (stabile), Funghi Neri (Champignons noirs) 1957 sculpture (stabile), Discontinuous (Discontinu) 1962 sculpture (stabile), The Tall One (Le Grand) 1968 sculpture (stabile), The Pagoda (La Pagode) 1963
sculpture (stabile)

Jerusalem Stabile 1976 sculpture (stabile), Meyerson Hall, Penn University, Blanche Levy Park, Walnut St, Philadelphie Philadelphia, Pennsylvanie Pennsylvania, Etats Unis USA

White Cascade 1975 sculpture (mobile), atrium Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, angle corner 6th St, Arch St, Philadelphie Philadelphia, Pennsylvanie Pennsylvania, Etats Unis USA

Pittsburgh 1958 sculpture (mobile), Core, Pittsburgh International Airport, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanie Pennsylvania, Etats Unis USA

Le Faucon 1963 sculpture (stabile), Stanford Law School, Colley Courtyard, Stanford University, Abbott Way, Stanford, Redwood City, Californie California, Etats Unis USA

Five Rudders (Cinq gouvernails) 1964 sculpture (mobile), Shaw park, Brentwood Bd, Clayton, Saint Louis, Missouri, Etats Unis USA

Spinal Column (Colonne vertébale) 1968 sculpture (stabile), May S. Marcy Sculpture Court and Garden, San Diego Museum of Art, 1450 El Prado, Balboa Park, San Diego, Californie California, Etats Unis USA

The Hawk for Peace (Le Faucon pour la paix) 1968 sculpture (stabile), Berkeley Art Museum, University of California, Bancroft Way, Berkeley, San Francisco, Californie California, Etats Unis USA

Eagle (aigle) 1971 sculpture (stabile), Olympic Sculpture Park (2006 M. Weiss, M. Manfredi), Elliott Av, Seattle, Washington, Etats-Unis USA

Crinkly, with red disk (avec disque rouge) 1973 sculpture (mobile), Kleiner Schlossplatz, Mitte, Stuttgart, Allemagne Germany

Crossed Blades (Lames croisées) 1967 sculpture (stabile), Australia Square Tower, Bond St, Sydney, Australie Australia

Two discs (Deux Disques) 1965 sculpture (stabile), Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, angle corner Independence Av, 7th St, Washington, D.C., Etats-Unis USA

Six Dots over a Mountain (Six points sur une montagne) 1965 sculpture (mobile), Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, Sculpture garden, angle corner Jefferson Dr, 7th St, Washington, D.C., Etats-Unis USA



ailleurs par ville non détaillée
elsewhere by non detailed city

The Red Feather (la Plume rouge) 1975 sculpture (stabile), Kentucky Center, 501 West Main St, Louisville, Kentucky, Etats Unis USA

Totem-Saché 1974 sculpture (mobile), devant église, Saché, France

Stegosaurus (Stégosaure) 1973 sculpture (stabile), Alfred E. Burr Mall, Main St, Hartford, Connecticut, Etats Unis USA

Five Discs, One Empty (Cinq disques, un vide) 1970 sculpture (stabile), entre between Fine Hall et and Jadwin Hall, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, Etats Unis USA

<>Peau Rouge 1970 sculpture (stabile), Musical Arts Center, Indiana University, N Jordan Av, Bloomington, Indiana, Etats Unis USA

Hats Off (Chapeau!) 1969 sculpture (stabile), Donald M Kendall Sculpture Gardens, siège "PepsiCo" headquarters, Anderson Hill Rd, Purchase, New York, Etats Unis USA

Crinkly 1969 sculpture (mobile), pl Emile Gounin, Ile d'Or, Amboise, France

The 100 Yard Dash 1969 sculpture (stabile), sculpture garden, The Baltimore Museum of Art, 10 Art Museum Dr, Baltimore, Maryland, Etats Unis USA

Four Dishes 1967 sculpture (stabile ?), sculpture garden, The Baltimore Museum of Art, 10 Art Museum Dr, Baltimore, Maryland, Etats Unis USA

Triangles and Arches 1965 sculpture (stabile), Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York, Etats Unis USA
photo du site from the site

Le baron 1965 sculpture (stabile), Castle Dr, Northern Illinois University, Main Campus, De Kalb, Illinois, Etats Unis USA

Teodelapio 1962 sculpture (stabile), Piazza della Stazione, Spoleto, Italie Italy



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