accueil home > villes cities > Etats-Unis USA > Iowa > Iowa City IOWA CITY
Iowa City Public Works (centre technique municipal)
2019 Neumann Monson 3800 Napoleon Ln, S Gilbert St Hancher Auditorium
2016 C. Pelli, F. W. Clarke, R. Pelli 141 E Park Rd Visual Arts building
2016 S. Holl University of Iowa, River St Voxman Building (école de music)
2016 LMN The University of Iowa School of Music,
angle corner 93 E Burlington St, S Clinton St bureaux "MidWestOne Bank"
2015 Neumann Monson angle corner
500 S Clinton St, E Harrison St University of Iowa West Campus Transportation Center
2012 Neumann Monson Evashevski Dr Melrose Avenue parking 2008 HLKB University of Iowa, Melrose Av Art and Art History building 2006 S. Holl University of Iowa, 141 N Riverside Dr logements, Ccial Plaza Towers housing, shopping centre 2005 Neumann Monson angle corner S Linn St, E College St logements Vogel House housing 2002 Neumann Monson angle corner 257 Iowa Av, S Linn St biomedical research, education building (bâtiment universitaire) 2002 Payette / T. Baldwin, K. T. White University of Iowa, Newton Rd Newton Road parking 2000 HLKB University of Iowa, Newton Rd biology East building (bâtiment universitaire) 2000 Brooks Borg Skiles University of Iowa, angle corner Iowa Av, N Dubuque St Levitt Center for University Advancement (bâtiment universitaire) 1998 C. Gwathmey, R. Siegel University of Iowa, angle corner E Park Rd, N Riverside Dr IATL - Iowa Advanced Technology Laboratories (laboratoires de recherche) 1992 F. O. Gehry University of Iowa, 205 N Madison St, bord by Iowa River Carver - Hawkeye sports arena 1982 Durrant Group / CRS Group University of Iowa, angle corner Newton Rd, Elliot Dr
site officiel de la ville de Iowa City
Les alentours to see around :
Coralvile transit (parking, gare routière)
car park, bus terminal
2015 Neumann Monson angle corner 906 Quarry Rd, Iowa River Landing Pl
les sites des agences n'ayant
pas de lien sont dans la rubrique "liens" > "architectes" les photos des "tours" sont visibles sur photos of the "towers" are visible on www.emporis.com