accueil home > villes cities > Japon Japan > Tokyo > Tokyo quartiers areas TOKYO quartiers (arrondissements) areas
Tokyo Budokan
K. Rokkaku 3-10 Ayase
Tomonoki-Himawari Kindergarten
2017 MAMM Design 1 Chome-10-12 Machiya Fantastic Tube 1992 K. Unno / Atelier Umi Minamisenju
logements Tenjincho Place
2023 H. Ito 3 Chome-20-8 Yushima logements Mikumizaka
2019 H. Ito 3-12-10 Yushima Tokyo Dome Hotel
2000 K. Tange 1-3-61 Koraku Bunkyo civic centre
1994 Nikken Sekkei 1-16-21 Kasuga bureaux (tour) Century tower
1991 N. Foster 2-2-9 Hongo Tokyo Dome
1988 Takenaka Corporation / Nikken Sekkei 1-3 Koraku cathédrale Sainte Marie
Saint Mary's cathedral
1964 K. Tange 3-16-15 Sekiguchi
bureaux ESCALIER
2023 ETHNOS 7-11 Rokubancho maison de la musique "Recording Proshop Miyaji"
house of music
2022 K. Aisaka 1 Chome−7 Kanda Awajicho bureaux ESCALIER
2021 ETHNOS 6-chōme-4-16 Kojimachi bureaux ESCALIER
2019 ETHNOS 2-9 Gobanchō église UCCJ Banchō Bancho
2018 T. Tezuka 7-12 Rokubancho bureaux Kojimachi Terrace
2018 Nendo 3-1-13 Kojimachi restaurants, commerces Landpool Kanda Terrace
restaurants, stores
2017 A. Koyama - Key Operation 1-14-13 Kanda Nishiki-cho bureaux (tour) "Itocia", magasin "OIOI" offices, store 2007 Mitsubihi Estate 2-7 Yurakucho bureaux (tour) Shin Marunouchi Building offices 2007 M. Hopkins 1-5-1 Marunouchi musée Showakan war and postwar museum 1999 K. Kikutake 1-6-1 Kudan-minami www.showakan.go.jp (en japonais in japanese) bureaux (tours) Otemachi first square
1998 NTT Urban Development / NTT Facilities 1-5-1 Otemachi tour de la Liberté
university building
1998 Nikken Sekkei Meiji University, Surugadai Tokyo International Forum exhibition hall 1996 R. Vinoly 3-5-1 Marunouchi siège "Long-Term Credit Bank", "Shinsei Bank" bank headquarters 1993 Nikken Sekkei 2-1-8 Uchisaiwaicho, bord parc Hibiya bureaux (tour) DN tower 21
1993 Shimizu Coporation / K. Roche 1-13 Yurakucho bureaux (tour) Four Columns
1993 Kajima Design 3-23 Kanda Surugadai bureaux "Koizumi Sangyo"
1990 P. Eisenman 3-12 Kanda Sakuma bureaux Ochanomizu Square Building
1987 A. Isozaki 1-6 Kandasurugadai bureaux M Building offices 1987 T. Ito 1-19 Kandasuda bureaux "Wacoal Kojimashi"
1984 K. Kurokawa 1-1-2 Kojimachi
Hotel Rakuragu
2023 Kooo 1 Chome-7-9 Nihonbashihoncho magasin "Louis Vuitton" Ginza Namiki
2021 J. Aoki / P. Marino 7-6-1 Ginza Ccial Ginza Place
2016 M. Dytham, A. Klein 5-8-1 Ginza Ccial Tokyo Plaza Ginza
shopping centre
2016 Nikken Sekkei 5-2-1 Ginza
logements (tour) Krono Residence
2015 R. Meier Harumi 2 chome maison
2014 K + S (N. Kashima, A. Sato) Nihonbashiningyocho showroom "Pola" Ginza 2009 Yasuda Atelier 1-7-7 Ginza
"Armani" Ginza Tower
2007 M. Fuksas 5-5-4 Ginza
magasin "De Beers" Ginza building
2007 J. Mitsui 2-4-5 Ginza Nicolas G. Hayek Center store 2007 S. Ban 7-9-18 Ginza magasin "MIKIMOTO" Ginza 2 store 2005 T. Ito 2-4-12 Ginza Apple Store Ginza 2004 P. Bohlin, B. Cywinski, J. Jackson réhabilitation immeuble, 3-5-12 Ginza siège (tour) "Merrill Lynch" headquarters 2004 Kohn, Pedersen, Fox / Nihon Sekkei 1-4-1 Nihombashi
magasin "Louis Vuitton Ginza Namikidori"
2004 J. Aoki 7-6-1 Ginza magasin "Dior" Ginza store 2004 K. Inui 5-6-1 Ginza
Maison "Hermès"
"Hermes" building
2002 R. Piano 5-4-19 Ginza bureaux (tour) "Shiseido" offices 2001 R. Bofill 8-8-3 Ginza magasin "Cartier" shop 1999 J.-M. Wilmotte 5-5-15 Ginza magasin "Opaque Ginza" shop 1998 K. Sejima 3-5-8 Ginza siège "SNP" headquarters 1997 H. Nakamura 2-1-12 Tukiji observatoire du niveau de l'eau water level observatory 1994 Architect 5 2 Shinkawa, île de Reigann Reigann Island bureaux, hôtel (tours) St Luke's garden offices, hôtel towers 1994 Nikken Sekkei 8-1 Akashicho espace multimédia Kaze no Tamago (Oeuf des
vents) art centre Egg of winds 1991
T. Ito 2 Tsukuda, River city (1986 Nihon Sekkei) bureau de pari Wins
off-track betting office
1990 K. Kurokawa 2-10-13 Ginza magasin "Yaesu Book Centre" bookshop 1978 Kajima Design 2-5 Yaesu
Shizuoka press and broadcasting centre
1967 K. Tange (rénovation 2022 Taisei
Design), 8-3-7 Ginza
Kasai Rinkai Park View Plaza Rest House
1995 Y. Taniguchi 6 Rinakaicho bureaux Nunotani building (NC building)
1993 P. Eisenman 1-21-12 Chuo
agence bancaire "Sugamo Shinkin" Shimura
bank branch
2011 E. Moureaux 1-17-15 Azusawa
agence bancaire "Sugamo Shinkin" Tokiwadai
bank branch
2010 E. Moureaux 6-4-14 Maenocho
2011 High Land Design 7-37 Aoto
résidence universitaire AI-House Hub-4
student residence
2022 Ishimoto Toyo University Akabanedai Campus, 1 Chome-7-37 Akabanedai logements, bureaux Towered Flats housing, offices 2004 Milligram Studio 1-12 Toshima
hôtel East Square
2020 Be-Fun Design 2 Chome-22-6 Morishita Ariake gymnastics centre
2019 Nikken Sekkei 1 Chome-10-1 Ariake logements Fukosha
housing 2017 SUEP Toyo K-museum
museum of art
1996 M. Sei Watanabe 3-1 Ariake centre sportif d'Ariake sports centre 1996 GKK 2-3-5 Ariake Ccial Tokyo Fashion town shopping centre 1996 K. Tange 3-1 Ariake Tokyo Big sight exhibition centre 1995 Tokyo Regional Finance Bureaus Building and Repairing Department, AXS Satow 3-12 Ariake usine de retraitement garbage factory 1994 Y. Nagakura, K. Kobayashi, Takenaka Corporation 2 Ariake, Koto, Tokyo Rinkai Fukutoshin musée d'art contemprain de Tokyo museum of contemporary art Tokyo 1994 T. Yanagisawa 4-1-1 Miyoshi piscine internationale de Tokyo Tatsumi international swimming pool
M. Senda 2-8-10 Tatsumi Ariake Coliseum stadium 1991 Kentiku Mode Laboratory 2-2 Ariake
à voir également also to see : Saw, Sawing (Scie, sciant) 1996 C. Oldenburg, C. van Brugen sculpture, Tokyo International Exhibition Center, Big Sight, 3 Ariake
Claska hotel 2003 S. Tei, Tomato (S. Baker) réhabilitation Hotel new Meguro (1969), 1-3-18 Chuo, Meguro bureaux T Building offices 1990 T. Ito 1-17-16 Higashiyama Web 1990 E. Suzuki 2-11-8 Meguro hall du Siècle
centennial hall
1987 K. Shinohara Université technique de Tokyo, 2-12-1 Ookayama agence Tanabe agency 1984 K. Ishii 2-21-4 Aobadai
logements AUBE Toranomon
2022 ETHNOS 5 Chome-3-21 Toranomon logements Kita Aoyama Apartments
2020 Conran 2-chōme-12 Kitaaoyama logements Hatsuse Mita Apartments
2019 ihrmk 5-chōme-10-2 Mita logements, bureaux Arakawa building
housing, offices
2018 Nikken Sekkei 2 Chome-35-5
Nishishinbashi logements
2014 KINO 6 Chome 13-11 Akasaka Iron gallery
2011 K. Watanabe AzabuJuban Nezu Museum 2009 K. Kuma 6-5-1 Minami-Aoyama Ccial Ao shopping centre 2008 Sakakura / Nihon Sekkei 3-11-7 Kita Aoyama, Aoyama
magasin "H&M"
2008 J. Mitsui 3-11-7 Kita Aoyama, Aoyama bureaux, magasin, logements esq Hiroo offices, shop, housing 2007 Tele-design 5-10-37 Minami-Azabu
21_21 Design sight
2007 T. Ando 9-7-6 Akasaka, Tokyo Midtown The National Art Center 2006 K. Kurokawa 7-22-2 Roppongi Ccial "Fleg" Roppongi Terzo stores 2005 AAE (T. Shimohigoshi)(?) 7-13-7 Roppongi église de Harajuku
2005 Ciel rouge création 2-11-13 Kita-Aoyama magasin "Cartier" - The Jewels of Aoyama stores 2005 J. Mitsui 5-3-2 Minamiaoyama magasin Acrylic shop 2005 A. Klein, M. Dytham 2-2-10 Motoazabu GRIPS - Graduate Institute for Policy Studies 2005 R. Rogers 7-22-1 Roppongi siège (tour) "NTV" Nittele Tower headquarters 2003 R. Rogers 1-5 Higashi-Shinbashi magasin "Prada" store 2003 J. Herzog, P. de Meuron 5-2-6 Minamiaoyama bureaux, hôtel (tour) Shiodome Media Tower offices, hotel 2003 Kajima Design 1-5 Higashi-Shinbashi bureaux (tour) "Dentsu Shin Onsya" offices 2002 J. Nouvel 1-5-3 Higashi-Shinbashi bureaux (tour) Izumi Garden Tower offices 2002 Nikken Sekkei 1-6-1 Roppongi crèche 1999 Ciel rouge création 2-11-13 Kita-Aoyama boutique "Comme des Garçons" Aoyama store 1999 R. Kawakubo, T. Kawasaki / Future Systems (façade) Minamiaoyama
bureaux (tour) "Meijiseimei Aoyama Palacio"
1999 TODA / R. Bofill / Mitsubishi Estate / Takenaka Corporation
3-6-7 Kita-Aoyama siège "FCG (Fuji-Sankei Communications Group)" headquarters 1996 K. Tange 2-4-8 Daiba bureaux M-building offices 1992 J. Itami 7-9-7 Akasaka bureaux Scala offices 1992 A. Kitagawara 1-4-17 Nishiazabu siège "Japan Times"
1991 Sakakura 4-5-4 Shibaura showroom "Ambiente"
1991 A. Rossi 4-11-1 Minamiaoyama poste de police Hikari no Koban
police station
1991 K. Yokogawa 2-16 Shinbashi bureaux Imanishi Building
1991 S. Takamatsu 1-1-16 Motoakasaka bureaux F-building offices 1991 T. Ito 4-17-2 Minamiaoyama logements Doric housing 1991 K. Kuma 2-27-13 Minamiaoyama F1 Building 1990 A. Kitagawara 1-10-15 Shibakoen bureaux Plaza Mikado offices 1990 E. Suzuki 2-14-5 Akasaka Ccial Joule A
shopping centre
1990 E. Suzuki 1-10 Azabujuban club, ... The Wall building
1990 D. Branson, N. Coates 4-2-4 Nishiazabu TEPIA
science pavilion
1989 F. Maki 2-8-44 Kitaaoyama
Ccial Collezione
shopping centre
1989 T. Ando 6-1-3 Minamiaoyama bureaux Nani nani
1989 P. Starck, M. Nosawa 4-9-23 Shirokanedai 395 1986 A. Kitagawara 3-9-5 Minamiaoyama Spiral / Wacoal art center 1985 F. Maki 5-6-23 Minamiaoyama www.spiral.co.jp (en japonais in japanese)
classique : Tokyo Tower 1958 Nikken Sekkei / T. Naito 4-2-8 Shiba Koen
agence bancaire "Sugamo Shinkin" Ekoda
bank branch
2012 E. Moureaux 1-55-1 Asahigaoka
logement, bureau, espaces pour étudiants Kitasenzoku Apartment
apartment, office, students spaces
2015 T. Kurokawa 3 Chome-35 Kitasenzoku siège "Yamato International"
1987 H. Hara / Atelier Phi 5-1-1 Heiwajima
2018 Abanba 3-chōme-9 Tsurumaki logements Bloom
2014 H. Ito M2 1991 K. Kuma 2-4-27 Kinuta restaurant Pastina 1989 T. Ito 1-9-10 Kinuta Atelier 77 headquarters 1989 I. Hosoya / Studio 4 1-6-19 Kamisoshigaya
SCC Sendagaya (centre social)
community centre
2024 K. Kuma 1 Chome-1-10 Jingumae logements The Parkhouse Gran Kamiyamacho
2023 Curiosity 18-7 Kamiyamacho toilettes publiques The Tokyo Toilet
public toilets 2020-2023 Ccial, parc, parking, hôtel Miyashita Park
shopping centre, park, car park, hotel
2020 Nikken Sekkei 6 Chome-20-10
Jingumae toilettes publiques Sendagaya Station
public toilets
2020 Suppose Design Office 1-chōme-35 Sendagaya magasin "Chacott" Daikanyama
2019 Taisei Design 14-18 Daikanyamacho bureaux JEC Building
2019 Toda / UDS / to-ripple Inc. 1 Chome-28-14 Yoyogi studio d'enregistrement Studio Tanta
recording studio
2018 Taisei Design 1 Chome-11 Tomigaya, Inokashira-Dori Ccial HULIC & New Shibuya
shopping centre
2017 ETHNOS 31-1 Udagawachō, angle corner
Inokashira Dori, Yumeji Dori
Omotesando Keyaki Building -
boutique "Hugo Boss" 2013 N. Dan Omotesando, 5 Chome-13 Jingumae magasins T-Site Daikanyama
2012 A. Klein, M. Dytham 17-5 Sarugakucho bureaux (tour) Sia Aoyama building offices 2008 J. Aoki 1-3-3 Shibuya galeries, bureaux "Sunwell"
offices, galleries
2008 Be-Fun Design / T. Tamagami 3-55-18 Sendagaya
Ccial Gyre
2007 MVRDV / Takenaka Corporation
Omotesando, 5-10-1 Jingumae salon de coiffure Sin Den
2007 A. Klein, M. Dytham 3-9-3 Jingumae magasin "Armani Exchange" store 2007 Rui Design Room 1-16-7 Jinnan Ccial The Iceberg - "Audi" Forum Tokyo stores 2006 CDI 6-12-18 Jingumae Ccial b6 stores 2006 R. Nishimori 6-28-6 Jingumae Ccial "Fleg" Jingumae stores 2006 AAE (T. Shimohigoshi) 5-27-7 Jingumae Ccial "Fleg" Daikanyama stores 2005 AAE (T. Shimohigoshi) 1-31-12 Ebisu-Nishi hhstyle.com/casa store 2005 T. Ando 6-14-5 Jingumae magasin "Tod's" store 2004 T. Ito 5-1-15 Jingumae, Omotesando Ccial V28 stores 2004 CDI 6-31-17 Jingumae siège Japanese nursing association headquarters 2004 K. Kurokawa Omotesando, 5-8-2 Jingumae Ccial La Porte Aoyama stores 2004 X Omotesando, 5-51-8 Jingumae magasin "Dior Omotesando" store 2003 Sanaa (K. Sejima, R. Nishizawa) 5-9-11 Jingumae siège "LVMH" - One Omotsando headquarters 2003 K. Kuma angle corner Omotesando, Aoyama, 3-5-28 Kita-Aoyama magasin "Louis Vuitton Omotesando" shop 2002 J. Aoki 5-7-5 Jingumae Ccial YM Square Harajuku stores 2001 Takenaka Corporation 4-31-10 Jingumae hhstyle.com Harajuku store 2000 Sanaa (K. Sejima, R. Nishizawa) 6-14-2 Jingumae galerie Speak For gallery 1999 S. Terui 28-2 Sarugakucho Ccial Q Front stores 1999 Research institute of architecture 21-6 Udagawa www.qfront.co.jp (en japonais in japanese) Ccial t's Harajuku shopping centre 1999 Takenaka Corporation 4-30-3 Jingumae bureaux, magasin "APC" offices, shop 1998 P. Chemetov, A. Takumi 11-9 Sarugakucho siège "Sankyo Tokyo" headquarters 1998 Plantec (T. Ohe) 3-29-14 Shibuya atelier Sumi no Iori (Hermitage of japanese Ink) worksop 1998 J. Itami 2-8-8 Uehara magasins "Hillside West"
1998 F. Maki 29 Sarugakucho, Daikanyama siège (tour) "JR East Japan"
1997 Nikken Sekkei / JR East Design Corporation 2-2-2 Yoyogi école préparatoire YMS training school 1997 A. Kuryu 1-37-14 Yoyogi magasin "Kansai Yamamoto"
fashion shop
1997 Amorphe (K. Sei Takeyama) / Atelier Mika 3-39-7 Jingumae église du Christ church 1995 F. Maki 1-30-17 Tomigaya centre de loisirs (Y)ebisu Gaden Place leisure centre 1994 Kume Sekkei 4-20 Ebisu magasin "United Arrows Harajuku"
fashion shop
1992 R. Bofill / Kajima Design 3-28-1 Jingumae siège université des Nations Unies United Nations University headquarters 1992 K. Tange 5-53-1 Jingumae Ccial Humax Pavillion
department store
1992 H. Wakabayashi 20-15 Udagawacho, Shibuya village commercial "Hillside Terrace" shopping centre 1969-1992 F. Maki 29 Sarugakucho, Daikanyama Ccial Octagon
shopping centre
1992 S. Takamatsu 1-3-11 Ebisunishi Tokyo Club 1992 E. Suzuki 1-35-3 Nishihara Earthtecture Sub-1
1991 S. Takamatsu 2-29-3 Uehara Terrazza sport centre 1991 Amorphe (K. Sei Takeyama) 2-8-2 Jingumae magasin "Et Vous" store 1991 Aran 1-13-2 Jinnan STM House store, offices 1991 I. Hasegawa 2-8 Tomigaya bureaux (tour) Sendagaya Intes
1991 Takenaka Corporation 1-14-5 Sendagaya bureaux Pacific Square offices 1990 X Aoyama, 2-1-11 Shibuya galerie d'art contemporain Watari Um contemporary art gallery 1990 M. Botta 3-7-6 Jingumae gymnase municipal
metropolitan gymnasium
1990 F. Maki 1-17-1 Sendagaya lycée technique Aoyama technical college 1990 M. Sei Watanabe 7-9 Uguisudanicho Sappho 1990 A. Kitagawara 3-7-4 Jingumae siège (tour) "Aioi Life Insurance Shinjuku" headquarters 1989 F. Maki 3-25-3 Yoyogi Wedge 1989 E. Suzuki 3-25 Jingumae centre culturel Bunkamura arts centre 1989 Ishimoto / J.-M. Wilmotte 2-24-1 Dohgenzaka Zenrosai Kaikan offices 1988 Fujita Corporation 2-12-10 Yoyogi cinéma "RISE"
cinema theatre
1986 A. Kitagawara 13-17 Udagawacho bureaux "Nippon Systemware" offices 1986 H. Tanabe, Raymond 31-11 Sakuragaokacho magasin "Onward Daikanyama"
fashion shop
1986 E. Suzuki 28-7 Sarugakucho poste de police Udagawa Koban
police station
1985 E. Suzuki 31-6 Udagawacho Tokyo Union Church 1980 Nishimatsu Construction Omottesando, 5-7-7 Jingumae
National Gymnasiums
1964 K. Tange Yoyogi, 2-1-1 Jinnan
à voir également also to see : The tree of children 1985 T. Okamoto sculpture, devant in front of Aoyama Theatre, 5-5-53 Jingumae
Charm Premier Grand Gotenyama Nibankan (maison de retraite)
nursing home
2022 Nikken Housing System 6 Chome-6-38 Kitashinagawa, Shinagawa logements
2018 studio M 5-11-27 Nakanobu
logements Nobori
2023 F. Busch 8-4 Yochomachi Sompo Museum of art
2020 Taisei Design 1-chōme-26-1 Nishishinjuku
National stadium
2019 K. Kuma 10-2 Kasumigaokamachi
Mode Gakuen Coccon Tower
2008 P. Tange 1-7-2 Nishi-Shinjuku logements Court Decor Yonnosaka housing 2008 I. Hasegawa Nakai Shinjuku flags store 1998 Yokogawa 3-37-1 Shinjuku centre civique Yotsuya civic centre 1997 GKK 87 Naitocho siège "NTT Higashi Nihon" headquarters 1995 C. Pelli, F. W. Clarke, Y. Sekkei 3-19-2 Nishi-Shinjuku bureaux (tours) Shinjuku Park Tower offices 1994 K. Tange 3-7-20 Nishi-Shinjuku bureaux Kabuki-cho building offices 1993 R. Rogers / Architect 5 2-1-5 Kabukicho mairie (tours),
Place des citoyens
city hall, citizen place
1991 K. Tange 2 Nishi-Shinjuku logements art complex n°4 - Rythms of Vision (Waseda El Dorado)
1984 Von Jour Caux Sodai Dori, 517 Wasedatsurumakicho
Za-Koenji Public Theatre
2008 T. Ito 2-1-2 Koenji-kita maison Crush on you house 1992 H. Horikawa Amanuma
extension rénovation Ryogoku Yuya Edoyu (Spa)
2019 H. Kubo, Y. Tsushima 1 Chome-5-8 Kamezawa
Sumida Hokusai Museum
2016 K. Sejima 2-7-2 Kamezawa Yutoriya (Sumida lifelong learning center)
1994 I. Hasegawa 2-38-7 Higashi-Mukojima www.city.sumida.tokyo.jp/~yutoriya (en japonais in japanese) Edo Tokyo Museum
1992 K. Kikutake 1-4-1 Yokoami "Asahi" Super Dry Hall 1989 P. Starck / M. Nosawa 1-23-1 Azumabashi
Asakusa culture tourist information center
2012 K. Kuma 2-19-10 Kaminarimon bibliothèque internationale de la littérature pour enfants international library of children's literature 2000-2002 T. Ando 12-49 Ueno Park Heiseikan (galerie d'archéologie japonaise) japanese archaeological gallery 1999 Yasui Design Tokyo National Museum, 12-9 Ueno Park Horyuji Homotsukan (galerie des trésors Horyuji) gallery of Horyuji treasures 1999 Y. Taniguchi Tokyo National Museum, 12-9 Ueno Park University Art Museum 1999 K. Rokkaku, Japanese Design 12 Ueno Park www.geidai.ac.jp/museum (en japonais in japanese) Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music 1998 S. Okada 12 Ueno Park hôtel (tour) "Sofitel"
1994 K. Kikutake 2-1-48 Ikenohata poste de police Ueno Park koban police station 1991 T. Kurokawa 12 Ueno Park
classique : musée national d'art occidental
National Museum of Western Art
1957-1959 Le Corbusier 12-7 Ueno Park
Honest house (maison)
2020 Ogatayohei 1-chōme-1-28 Takada,
bord by the Kanda river hôtel Siro
2020 Mount Fuji 2 Chome-12-12 Ikebukuro logements, galeries Tree-ness House
housing, galleries
2017 A. Hirata 3 Chome-27-5 Kitaotsuka logements Kuro building
2013 Kino 5 Chome, Higashiikebukuro mairie de Toshima
Toshima government building
1996 Plantec (T. Ohe) 1-18-1 Higashi-Ikebukuro
classique : école Jiyu-Gakuen (Tomorrow Hall)
1921 F. Lloyd Wright 2-31-4 Nishikebukuro
Les alentours to see around :
hôtel de ville
city hall
2008 R. Yamamoto 5 Honcho
centre de recherche "Zenyaku Kogyo"
research centre 2021 Nikken Sekkei
4 Chome-7-1 Minamiosawa
2022 Terrain 1-10 Shimohirama, Saiwai
restaurant MORI-TOYO
2023 atelier N 6-228-1 Taiseicho Saitama Prefectural University
1999 R. Yamamoto 820 Sannomiya
centre de recherche "Kikkoman"
research centre
2019 Nikken Sekkei Noda
2015 Eureka / MARU Urawa
agence bancaire "Sugamo Shinkin" Nakaaoki
bank branch 2014 E. Moureaux Kamiaoki 6
Chome-6-1, Kawaguchi
bureaux, école maternelle, restaurants Shikism
building offices, nursery school, food court
2021 R. Sasaki 5-chōme-24-21 Honchō
Fuji Kindergarten
2007 T. Tezuka 2-7-1 Kamisunacho
Kadokawa Musashino Museum
2020 K. Kuma / Kajima Design 3 Chome-31-3
ZOOM Kannai Residence (logements)
2021 Key Operation (A. Koyama) 2 Chome-8-1 Furocho, Naka crèche Muronokids Satellite
daycare nursery
2017 T. Hibino / Youji no Shiro 3 Chome−34−14 Kōnan, Kōnan
terminal passager international
Yokohama international passenger terminal
2002 FOA - Foreign Office Architects
Osanbashi Futo Grand Pier, 1-1-4 Kaigan, Naka, Port of Yokohama logements sociaux social housing 2000 R. Yamamoto 56-5 Mitsukyō, Seya Ccial, logements Inter-Junction City shopping centre, housing 1992-1994 R. Yamamoto Ryokuen, Izumi
siège "Boltun"
2018 Y. Yamashita / Atelier Tekuto 7 Chome−14 Tsukagoshi, Sangyo Rd
les sites des agences n'ayant
pas de lien sont dans la rubrique "liens" > "architectes"